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Testimonies of Healing

Nearly two years ago the clothing...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Nearly two years ago the clothing of my little two-year-old daughter caught on fire from a gas stove and she was badly burned. My very first thought was of turning to God for healing. A practitioner was called, and the child did not once after that cry with pain. It was found necessary for a physician to dress the wounds. He said at once she would not live. He came again later to dress her, asking that three women be called to hold her, as she would struggle with pain. We asked him to proceed with the dressing, with one woman attending. The baby did not even murmur, nor mind being handled in the least. The physician said it was "miraculous." Even with this evidence, however, he stated she would be a nervous wreck, one arm would always be stiff, and that hair would not grow again on the back of her head. The physician was dismissed as soon as we could handle the dressings. The child never suffered and all the neighbors came to see if it were possible. She was not nervous for she did not experience pain, her arm has always been limber, and the hair is thick on the back of her head. She was up and walking about in three weeks, every material law having been broken. It was absolute proof to me that God is her Life. Some time later she had piles, and the healing was slower, but she did not suffer, and when we understood that there is only the perfect child, God's idea, we found one morning that the protrusion had slipped back into place. She was also healed of influenza this winter, after a stupor of two days and many people thought she could not live; but God's power was again relied upon and she was healed. I am grateful beyond words to God for these healings, but can truly say I am more so for the understanding that God is.

My husband and myself have both experienced much help in Christian Science. I have been healed of extreme nervousness, sleeplessness, also of influenza, and have learned to be grateful to Mrs. Eddy that she was pure enough to discern the truth of God and man, and to the many who have helped us to a better understanding.—

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