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Testimonies of Healing

Now, when the world is looking...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Now, when the world is looking for light but seemingly beholding darkness, a testimony in praise of God as revealed through Christian Science seems most fitting.

The individual who through Christian Science has been healed of fear and extreme mental depression, because of physical illness, has truly seen the light and can no longer behold darkness; for with the understanding that depression, doubt, and fear are but suggestions of the absence of God or light, one soon finds the clouds of error dispelled. Then, as Mrs. Eddy tells us (Science and Health, p. 503), "Divine Science, the Word of God, saith to the darkness upon the face of error, 'God is All-in-all,' and the light of ever-present Love illumines the universe."

Through Christian Science treatment I have been healed of severe headaches, extreme weakness, and physical disability, and have been brought out of bondage to sickness into comparatively unlimited freedom, physically, mentally, and spiritually. I have truly been born again. That which physicians claimed to be a condition which must become worse as I grew older, has been wholly and permanently cured through the treatment of Christian Science. Each day is bringing added cause for rejoicing. I am finding that the opening statement in the Preface to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the textbook of Christian Science, is indeed true, "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings." My gratitude to God and to Mrs. Eddy is unceasing —

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