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Testimonies of Healing

One Wednesday evening on my...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One Wednesday evening on my way to our weekly testimony meeting, after working all day in town, I was suddenly conscious of an unusual sense of mental and physical fatigue. It was early, as I had to be on duty as usher, so I decided to go first to the reading room for a little while, but found that I could not see to read, the page before me appearing quite blank. I thought I had better ask somebody to usher for me, but could not remember anything clearly, even my own name, and could not speak sensibly. I tried very hard to remember something, and the only thing I could grasp was the word "God." I hung on to that, repeating it over and over again. Soon, feeling a little better, I was able to ask somebody to do my work as usher, and returned to the reading room intending to remain there during the meeting; but I felt a great longing to be at that meeting, so went, and, although I could see nothing clearly and was unable to understand any of the reading or the testimonies, I felt a great sense of peace. All the time I kept repeating to myself the one thing I could remember—the word "God." After the meeting I had to see several people about committee work, and, though I could not see anybody's face, I believe I spoke intelligently to all who came up to me, and I do not think anybody knew that I could not see clearly. I had arranged beforehand to return with a friend to spend the night at her home. When I remembered this, for a moment I felt that I could not go, and would rather return to my own home and get to bed; but, realizing that this would be making a reality of it all, I went with her. Soon after we arrived at the house I told her that I was not feeling well and would like her to give me Christian Science treatment. When I got into bed I tried to read the Bible, ' but could not see the words, so I lay down, knowing that I was in God's care, and that all was well. I slept soundly, and awakened in the morning perfectly healed, and went to work as usual, feeling particularly fresh and well; it just seemed as if the whole experience had been an unpleasant dream.

About two years or more before I knew of Christian Science, I had a similar experience, and a doctor was called in. Although the symptoms were not so alarming, I was in bed for some time, and the effects lasted for several months; I would frequently awaken in the night with a great dread of the symptoms returning. I look back at this last experience, not with dread or fear, but with gratitude for the proof of the healing power of Christian Science. Although it seemed alarming I was not a bit afraid, and was quite confident all the time that, though I could not think clearly enough to do the work myself, God would heal me. I am very grateful for the loving help so readily given when I asked for treatment. I find that Christian Science just makes all the difference to my work and pleasure—both becoming purer and more real as the desire for spiritual understanding grows stronger.—

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