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Testimonies of Healing

When I read the testimonies in...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I read the testimonies in the Journal and Sentinel I am filled with gratitude to know that the word of God is as potent to heal now as when Jesus lived and worked among men. I have read many testimonies which told how the writers had wondered, before studying Christian Science, why healings were not done now, as in Bible times; but those healings were to me altogether in the past, and seemed too miraculous for this age; and so I could not understand much of the Bible. Even when kind friends told me of their own benefit through Christian Science, I did not realize what it meant, and tried one kind of treatment after another. The doctors were kind and earnest, but they promised only a measure of comfort, not health or strength. I had fifteen years of illness, severe nervous prostration with constant suffering, and almost every organ affected. At last I bought a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, and began to read. I did not understand much, but sickness, to which was added sorrow, pressed heavily, so I began to study in earnest, and soon glimpsed what was meant by God as Mind, and man as idea. With the help of a practitioner I experienced healings and gained more understanding, and as the Christ Science became clearer I began to wonder why certain ailments did not disappear at once. Then I learned that T must prove what I knew, that merely believing was not enough: just as reading over an example in arithmetic is not enough, it must be worked out to be understood. So I progressed and was healed of severe headaches, indigestion, tonsillitis neurasthenia, and several minor ailments: I was able also to leave off glasses, which I had worn constantly for eight years.

Besides these physical healings I am grateful to Christian Science for an understanding of the Bible, and find the spiritual interpretation so uplifting: also for the peace which this study brings, not only through the day, for it has taken away the terror of a wakeful night. Now, by turning my thoughts to the ninety-first psalm, with its beautiful meaning, or to some of our Leader's hymns, calm reigns, and restful sleep follows. Another great comfort is in knowing that I have an absolute, unchanging Principle in accordance with which to work out every problem: none is too small, none too great for a perfect solution.

I had learned that the doctors had no remedy for sorrow, the church had none for sickness. In Christian Science I have found healing for both.

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