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From the May 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Material existence cannot be compared with reality. It is a counterfeit a dream which must be broken. Real man, in his harmonious being, is safe with God. The perfect ability to master any problem is gained through the study of the Bible in the light of the revelation of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Because mortals are ignorant of Spirit and have no Principle from which to maintain their concepts, humanity presents, as it were, a kaleidoscopic picture with sharp contrasts in close relationship; its education being along the physical lines of the Adam fable, its only hope of immortality being contingent on death and the future, it cannot satisfy human longings for a higher good than it has to offer.

Thus an individual, in belief reviewing his past of a so-called earthborn life, which, by way of example, may have been under the very best conditions obtainable, finds himself burdened with an undefined reproach that something has been lacking in what really belonged to him, and for which lie may have to give account at the day of reckoning, like the man with the one talent in the parable, He may have had health, wealth, power, the three essentials that are usually considered sufficient to fulfill all wishes; the world would probably say that he had gained the pinnacle of human desire, and he might even agree with it, yet notwithstanding this flattery, he is believing in and enjoying an illusion that has no foundation, like a mirage; for materiality with all its glamour is not even a phase of life, and for this very reason it is he who is defrauding himself. Another may believe that his has been an unhappy lot from first to last, and this is neither right nor real. However firmly they both may intrench themselves in the assurance that these, or, in a degree, similar circumstances represent the vicissitudes of this present world, that does not settle the question; while the fact is paramount that the satisfied rich and the discontented poor must both change their course, and consult the same guidepost, for one may be as far removed as the other from the goal, the enduring good, which is the inheritance that really belongs to all universally.

Wherever the belief seems to hold power that man is wandering in a maze of chance and change, there it needs to be understood that, as God is never away from His own universe, the ignorance of superstition cannot have sway anywhere, and Christian Science relegates it to its own nothingness. The Scriptural prophecy reads. "The wise shall understand." Mrs. Eddy makes this clear in her book "Unity of Good," on page 46, where she says. "The scientific man and his Maker are here; and you would be none other than this man, if you would subordinate the fleshly perceptions to the spiritual sense and source of being." True, it means a reversal of every belief of the flesh, even to its extinction, but did not Jesus declare, "The flesh profiteth nothing"? This statement taken at its full value includes the healing of all ills. Man, who is the likeness of God, has never fallen into mortal circumscribed environment without vision; he lives in the ever present now, where life cannot be portioned off into nearsighted time limits of a past and a future, with accompaniment of regret and fear; and this eternal present, free as always from the bondage of ignorance and its effect, is radiant with divine Love. Good from God is inexhaustible and is radiated broadcast over all His universe.

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