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Testimonies of Healing

It is with a heart filled with gratitude...

From the May 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a heart filled with gratitude that I send my testimony of the healings received through Christian Science. It was through a very dear friend who herself had been benefited that I first heard of this wonderful teaching.

A few months ago I asked lor help from a practitioner, as I was suliering from varicose ulcers which rendered the leg stiff and swollen and caused constant suffering, in addition to being a great impediment to walking or standing. For six years I had been under the doctors' care, but without any satisfactory results. Through Christian Science treatment I was freed from this trouble in a short time. Since then I have also been healed of rheumatism, bronchitis earache, and other physical ills. In addition to these healings, through the study of the textbook. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, I have found in the clear explanation of the Bible the truth which I had long sought after. The understanding of Christian Science which I have gained has made everyday life easier. In all seeming trials I have found comfort in the message of love which has been voiced to us by Mrs. Eddy, to whom goes out my deepest gratitude.—

It gives me pleasure to confirm the testimony of my mother. I myself have received many benefits from Christian Science. I am happy to know the truth which makes free, and am grateful to Mrs. Eddy for having taught it to us. I also thank those who have helped me along the way.— 

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