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Testimonies of Healing

I feel that I should acknowledge...

From the May 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel that I should acknowledge the blessings that have come to me through the study of Christian Science and the loving help of practitioners. A serious illness lasting through several years began with what the doctors called chronic appendicitis. I went through a series of treatments for about three years trying to avoid an operation, but grew steadily worse. As a last resort I was operated on, but after nearly a year found I was in the same condition again, all the old ailments having returned. I had nothing further to hope for from medical treatment, and when Christian Science was recommended to me by a dear friend I eagerly accepted it. I had been a member of a denominational church since early youth, and had been prejudiced against Christian Science as a church that was not considered orthodox. I am so thankful that this prejudice has been overcome, as well as the serious physical ailments from which I was suffering. With the help of a practitioner, stomach trouble, neuralgia, kidney and liver troubles have all disappeared.

At that time my eyes were in such condition I did not dare even to look over a newspaper. I was often compelled to blindfold myself and go into a darkened room for relief. I was told by the last oculist who tested my eyes for glasses that if I failed to wear them constantly he would not be responsible for the consequences, but with help in Christian Science I soon laid my glasses away and have never had them on since, and have sometimes read for a period of from half a day to a day at a time. There has been much error to overcome and at times I have seemed to be completely overwhelmed with a belief of the reality of evil, which is still my greatest difficulty, but I would not for the world give up even the small understanding that I have of Truth, and while inharmonies often arise, I have found Christian Science a sure remedy for error of every kind.

I am indeed grateful to all who have helped me in Christian Science and to Mrs. Eddy, our beloved Leader.—

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