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From the May 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What does it mean to be alone with God? Does it not mean that no one need fear that anything connected with some one else or with the actions of some one else can disturb the harmony of one who is conscious of the reality of things? Christian Science teaches that only good is real, and it follows, therefore, that the reality of being does not include anything discordant or inharmonious. To be alone with God, then, must mean to be alone with real being expressed as the spiritual man, the perfect idea, and all that we need to do is to know that this spiritual man is present, and that in this presence the false or counterfeit does vanish.

Once some realization of what this "aloneness" really means to the Christian Scientist has dawned in the thought of the student, other wonderful glimpses will follow, showing little by little the freedom such aloneness gives. For does it not bring freedom from all that would try to hinder the expression of the divine idea, the Christ? To be alone with true being and all reality is not to be in any sense lonely, however, for the beliefs of separation are not a part of the reality of being, and in proportion to the understanding one gains of this great fact, man's unity with good becomes more apparent, and consequently the belief of loneliness is destroyed.

Sometimes it has been said by some students of Christian Science that they have not been able to accomplish certain work or make some demonstration because of the seeming opposition stirred up in others, and this is made an excuse for apparent failure. To acknowledge that there is any other power than God is in itself sufficient to account for a failure to demonstrate Truth, for it is breaking the First Commandment. But the truth cuts the ground entirely from under the feet of those who would make the sins or actions of others an excuse for failure in their own work. Wrong thinking or wrong acting on the part of any one is powerless to affect our own demonstration unless we give it power. Evil has no power of itself; and in this sense it becomes clearer and clearer that we are alone with our own being just to the extent that we realize that no one else has any power to hinder our demonstrations.

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