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Testimonies of Healing

As an expression of gratitude and...

From the January 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As an expression of gratitude and a possible help to some one else, I wish to tell of a healing experienced about a year ago. An attack of neuritis came upon me at night, robbing me of sleep and disabling one of my arms. It was with difficulty that f went to a practitioner the next day, and though she worked with the utmost devotion it was seemingly without result. After a second night of suffering I went again to the practitioner and again there seemed no result but after the third treatment we both felt that the healing had taken place. I slept in peace that night and awakened to find myself completely free. The thankfulness and gratitude that such an experience arouses in one quit e elude words. To transmute these feelings into actions is the only fitting tribute to the God-inspired beneficence of Christian Science.—

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