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Testimonies of Healing

For many years I have proved the...

From the December 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For many years I have proved the truth of Christian Science in innumerable ways. Mental unrest and physical ills have been overcome by it. I have also realized guidance, which has proved beyond doubt the presence of ever active divine Principle, revealed through the daily study of the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.

From among many proofs I have chosen one,—of an accident to my little son when he was about four years old. He was playing with his cart, and stood up in it, rolling it back and forth by the motion of his body. Once it went beyond his control; and he was thrown face down on the cement walk, badly bruising his nose, lips, and chin, also biting his tongue so that a piece seemed to be gone. I telephoned a Christian Science practitioner at once, even before looking to see the extent of the injury. After bathing him I reported to her again, and told her it would be necessary to call a doctor, as the tongue was so badly lacerated. A friend who was a Scientist came to help me; and when the doctor arrived we were very calm. The child cried a little, but was quiet while the two stitches were taken.

This occurred about ten o'clock in the morning. The tongue was badly swollen, and the child could not close his mouth; but he was quite happy during the day. About five in the afternoon I noticed the stitches had untied; and it was found necessary to go through the experience a second time. I must admit this seemed a hard problem; but when the doctor came at seven in the evening the little lad walked up to him, and said, "I am all ready." It gave me a feeling beyond description to see him so calm and unafraid. At this time three stitches were taken. All went calmly until the following afternoon, when I noticed that one stitch had untied. A sense of despair seemed to come over me; and I felt I could not go through the trial a third time. I carried the child into the house, took him upon my lap, and closed my eyes in prayer, asking God to deliver us from this seemingly overwhelming thought. In a few minutes I asked the lad to let me look at his tongue. No one but those who have gone through such an experience can realize the flood of gratitude, which brought the tears to my eyes, when I found the upper surface and end of the tongue healed; and that the stitches were no longer necessary. It was several days before the under surface granulated in and made the healing complete. There has never been any trouble with it; nor has it in any way interfered with his speech.

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