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Testimonies of Healing

When first I heard of Christian Science...

From the December 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When first I heard of Christian Science I was very ill and very unhappy. I had been suffering from an internal trouble for years. My father had suffered from the same trouble, and had passed on; and I was supposed to have inherited it. I had been consulting many doctors; but none of them could give me any permanent relief. I went to New York, and consulted a specialist there; but instead of improving, my condition got worse.

Then it was that I heard of Christian Science. A lady told me how she and several members of her family had been healed through Christian Science. She lent me the textbook. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, which I began to read. I did not understand much of it then; but somehow, I had a feeling that it would help me. It was the first chapter, the beautiful chapter on Prayer, which interested me most. I read for some days, and one morning I woke up to find all pain had disappeared. I felt like a new person. It was as if something had changed inside me: I felt light and happy, a feeling almost unknown to me. I wanted to open the window and to shout out to the world that I was healed. This happened many years ago; but I shall never forget that wonderful morning. New York was white with snow; but the sun was shining into my room, and the light was shining within me, driving out all darkness and misery. That day I discarded all medicine and began the study of Christian Science in great earnest; and for two years I read no other literature but the Bible, Mrs. Eddy's books, and the Christian Science literature. I mention this fact because I believe that it helped me to overcome more quickly the other complaints from which I was suffering, such as lumbago, which came every three months regularly, and kept me in bed for days, sometimes for weeks; also, neuralgia and severe headaches, and other trying and painful complaints. They were all overcome by the study of the Bible and the Christian Science textbook; and from a sickly and unhappy woman I became a healthy and happy one.

Christian Science has also taught me to look for good, and to expect it. I used to know a person who prided himself on looking at each person as dishonest until he found that he was honest; and I used to think this rather practical. Now I know it to be far better to look for good in every one, and to expect it. I can never fully express my gratitude in words for what Christian Science has done for me and mine. My daily desire is to be able to follow our beloved Leader's instructions, as set forth in her books; for it is my conviction that thereby, and only thereby, can we obtain health and happiness.—

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