It is now many years since I first heard of Christian Science. It came to me at a time when I was very dissatisfied with the teachings of my own church, and it appealed to me at once as something really practical and helpful for everyday living. In a very short time I was healed of rheumatism, which was fast becoming a great trial to me and for which I was having electrical treatment. My little daughter was healed instantaneously of fever, and all through the school days has been protected and exempt from all so-called children's epidemics, although many times in close contact with them.
I have also been rapidly healed of a broken leg, and was able a few weeks afterward to do canteen work for many months during the war. After that, while on night duty which entailed my being outside in all weathers, I was able to overcome in a few hours a very sharp attack of influenza and was only off duty one night. Quite recently a very sudden attack of neuritis was destroyed in a week with the loving help of a practitioner.
All these things mean much to me; but greater still is the gratitude I feel for the sense of protection which the study of Christian Science gives. And one does need to study. So often it seems easier to overcome a physical ailment than to see through some mental condition that appears to hide the truth of being and to dim our vision; but whenever I cling steadfastly to Principle the way opens up, and when I fail to apply what I know to be true, the path is dark and dreary.