The words from Scripture, "The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword," were proved to me when, a short while ago, I received a very great physical healing.
Having undergone two major operations, followed by intense suffering for several months, I was brought home from the hospital in a very emaciated condition. Upon discovering that I had no use of either of my legs, and that a continuous sharp pain prevented me from using my right hand and arm, discouragement crept into my consciousness. It was at this point that a Christian Science practitioner took the case. As a result of her clear understanding of my true relationship to God, seeing me only as His perfect child, incapable of manifesting aught but good, in less than a week the pain in the arm had entirely disappeared; and a few days later I was able to use the hand as I had previously.
During the illness, conditions at home had not been as pleasant as they might have been, and I found myself holding thoughts which were fast molding into resentment. Needless to say, my progress was somewhat impeded. The practitioner pointed out to me that it was necessary to replace every thought of resentment and self-pity with a declaration of love and gratitude in order for the truth to be demonstrated. This was no easy task; but the words from a hymn, "He always wins who sides with God," came to me with new spiritual meaning. As a result, to my unspeakable joy, I could take a few steps; and daily I advanced. Constantly I tried to keep close to divine Principle and declare that man reflects the perfect activity of divine Mind and, as the practitioner so often said, of that fact there can be no reversal. My family considers my quick recovery a miracle; but to one who believes that "all things are possible" to God, it is divinely natural.