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Testimonies of Healing

About the year 1914, after several...

From the October 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About the year 1914, after several years of a slow but certain decline in health, I contracted a very heavy cold; and failing to obtain help from local physicians, I went West in search of relief. There I sought advice from one who was considered the best lung specialist in that country, and was told that I was tubercular to an extreme degree; and practically no hope was held out for my recovery.

After an extended stay in the West, some relief was experienced from the acute condition, and I returned South; but only to find myself rapidly failing, suffering from a constant cough and stomach trouble so severe that even the small amount of food I could eat gave me nothing but suffering. I was again told that a few months would probably see the end. Then Christian Science was suggested to me; and more from curiosity than from any faith in its healing efficacy, I borrowed a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and began to read. I shall never forget my first uplift from the reading of the chapter on Prayer. My shoulders, which had become badly sagged, seemed to gain a strength hitherto unknown, and I found myself sitting very erect. When, after a few hours' reading, I reentered the house from the veranda, I seemed to walk on air; and I knew I was healed. I continued to study; and in two weeks the cough ceased, all pain left, and I was able to eat and digest a normal amount of food.

However, I was so much more engrossed in my better health than with the channel through which it had come that I plunged into a round of frivolity and material pursuits, with the result that about a year later I found myself again in a precarious state of health from internal organic trouble. Again I sought medical advice, and an operation was ordered. After leaving the doctor's office, however, I again determined to try Science, and I asked a practitioner for help, as the pain was so acute I could not study. This help was most lovingly given; and after four days I experienced much relief. Within a few weeks the healing was complete. Since that time I have sought no other than Christian Science help; and it has also resulted in the healing of a broken ankle bone in three days. This healing was questioned by one of the medical profession; but when the condition of discoloration was disclosed to him, he remarked that I would have been in bed at least six weeks under medical advice, and then permitted to walk only with the aid of crutches. With Science help I walked in my room the second day, and the healing was complete on the third.

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