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From the October 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

HEALTH is, in effect, the state of being hale and sound, or whole; especially, the state of being free from bodily disease or pain. Popular thought seeks to perpetuate this desirable condition; and in doing so, starts from the standpoint of matter as the origin and basis of existence, evolving from it many suppositional laws of health and systems of medication. Since so called matter is finite and limited, these supposititious laws and systems derived from it partake of its own imperfect and circumscribed nature; and so, when applied as a remedy for human ills, they often fail completely to achieve the expected result. If they seemingly afford relief, the alleviation is temporary, for causes are not removed; and the undestroyed presence of these causes, together with the prevailing limited concept of life and existence that continues to be entertained, may appear to ultimate in physical deterioration and eventual death.

Comes now Christian Science with an entirely different proposition regarding health. It shows God to be the only cause and creator, to be Father, Spirit, Mind, the All-in-all, and man to be His image and likeness, spiritual, and existing in the universe of Spirit. Man in this light is seen to be in possession of health, since Spirit is perfect, and to dwell in a perpetual state of harmony and have dominion over all things, including even human beliefs. Thus understood, the nature of health is disclosed as completely spiritual, harmonious, indestructible, and eternal —a state of consciousness wherein all is orderly and continuous, all activity wholesome and beneficial, all purpose unfolding and progressive.

To realize this state is not, therefore, a question of occasional resolve or of offices -or duties performed within certain times and seasons, but an unceasing unfolding of man's real nature and destiny as an individual idea, reflection, or expression of God, at the same time correlatively recognizing that "mortal existence," as Mrs. Eddy says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 403), "is a state of self deception and not the truth of being," and must be patiently, persistently, and prayerfully overcome. Thus to overcome may not seem an easy task, but it is possible of accomplishment. The claims of matter must be constantly denied, the pleasures of the material senses repudiated, acquiescence in the prevailing modes of thought refused; and, instead, there must be deep and earnest consecration to the pursuit of Truth. There must be self-denial and aloofness from the world, except in the line of duty, humility, sincerity, boundless love; in short, there must be complete obedience to the summons of the Master, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." It is clear, then, that health preservation is mental, scientifically metaphysical; and the procedure is one in which wrong thoughts of every kind are displaced by right ones, and by the gradual elimination of the human sense of self in favor of guidance by the divine will.

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