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From the October 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

FOR centuries men have evolved and proclaimed many varying theories regarding "the blood of Jesus," spoken of in Hebrews, and its efficacy in Christianity for the redemption of mankind from sin. While these theories vary in some details, there is one point on which many of them agree; namely, that the material blood of the human Jesus and its material effusion on Calvary were effective in God's plan for the salvation of the world. They have mainly centered on the material circumstance or act of the shedding of blood; while little attention has been given to the spiritual significance of Jesus' great sacrifice, of which the effusion of his bodily blood was but the symbol.

But with the advent of Christian Science, which alone explains the meaning of Jesus' atonement and the human experiences through which he passed to establish the way of redemption for all mankind, many are now obtaining clearer light on the subject. The leaven of Truth, ever at work in human consciousness, is gradually disposing of material and limited views of Jesus' life and teachings, and spiritual facts are winning their way. The true nature of the blood of Jesus is becoming better understood. It is indeed vitally important to the Christian religion that this subject be discerned aright; for it means much to every one who looks to Jesus as "the author and finisher" of his faith and hope.

Therefore, to consider the subject from a standpoint which can be demonstrated, we need to clear away all material theories concerning the vitality of the material blood of the human Jesus. Once understood from the positive standpoint of Christian Science, even though in faint degree, the spiritual fact will enlarge every one's conceptions through irrefragable proofs seen in the destruction of sin. It means the healing of physical disorders, too, and a better understanding of God and man. The proofs of the scientific sense of the blood of Jesus rejoice the heart, strengthen one's faith in God, and unfold the way of Life. Demonstrating this correct sense, as illustrated in the destruction of sin,—of evil beliefs,—and in wiping away the foundations of human suffering, this truth about the vital Principle of Jesus' life cannot do any violence to the hopes of those who have clung to material theories; for, placing the spiritual fact above the symbol, Truth actually fulfills their ultimate object— namely, the forgiveness of sin. Mrs. Eddy presents a brief, clear denial of all material theories on this subject, in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 25), in these words: "The material blood of Jesus was no more efficacious to cleanse from sin when it was shed upon 'the accursed tree,' than when it was flowing in his veins as he went daily about his Father's business."

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