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[Written for the Journal]


From the October 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Thy hand on mine, dear Lord,
All through the day,
Though jagged rock and breathless climb
Shall mark my way.
Through clouds of gloom and mists of fear
Thou lead'st me to the summit clear;
I cannot fail when Thou art near,
Thy hand on mine.

My hand in Thine, dear Lord,
All through the night,
Though pain and sorrow storm without
Me to affright;
Upon the great all knowing breast
I lay my burden down, and rest
Secure in Thee, serene and blest,
My hand in Thine.

Thy hand on mine, dear Lord,
All through the years
That human living seems to fill
With hopes and tears,
Till, step by step, I rise to see
My life and strength supreme in Thee,
And stand erect, all-gloriously,
My hand in Thine.

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