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From the October 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHEN we depend upon divine law for the solution of a problem, there is not a question of whether it may or may not be solved. The solution is sure; but our ability to see this depends upon our faith in God and our willingness to lay aside human outlining and to accept the divine way. When we turn to God with greater confidence and assurance, we shall see more instantaneous results. Those who went to Jesus for healing did not go with the thought that they might require several treatments; in some cases they approached him thinking that if they could but touch the hem of his garment they would be healed. Jesus sometimes questioned those who came for help as to their faith, as when he asked the blind men who came to be healed if they believed he was able to do it. When they answered, "Yea, Lord," he said, "According to your faith be it unto you."

Not infrequently we hear material gain referred to as a demonstration. A demonstration in Christian Science is really the manifestation of good which comes as the result of seeking first the kingdom of God. Problems in Christian Science do not consist of trying to get some material thing, but in striving to gain a greater spiritual understanding of the infinite good that is already present.

The task of learning to know and understand God is not something difficult. The knowledge is already ours as our divine birthright. Our work consists of clearing away the debris of false beliefs, that the reality may be clearly seen. It is like cleaning a piece of precious metal that has long been buried in the earth. As one diligently scours away the dirt, bright spots begin to appear. Finally, through persistent effort, the dirt is all removed and the true metal appears in all its brightness. So it is in practicing Christian Science. To-day it is a constant process of eliminating the false that the true may shine forth. Sometime we shall reach the place where only the true will be in evidence.

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