For many years I have wished to send my testimony to our periodicals, because I have frequently been helped and encouraged by reading those of others. I have been healed of hay fever, bilious attacks, colds, and other ailments, but the healing for which I am most grateful is that of defective sight. I had been troubled for some years with failing sight, and this gradually became worse until at length I gave up all writing and reading. In the year 1900 I could do nothing but knit, and had to be led about. In 1903 I had an operation on one eye, but it was not so successful as we had hoped, and my sight gradually failed. In 1910, when I was seventy-four years of age. my daughter attended First Church of Christ, Scientist, Paris, France, and then we took up the study of Christian Science seriously. In a fortnight I was able to distinguish color; and since then my sight has gradually improved, until now I can read the newspapers and do fine embroidery as well.
I am very grateful for unusually robust health, and I enjoy a large measure of activity both in my home and in my garden; but most of all I am grateful for the comfort and peace of mind which Christian Science has brought into my experience. — Leicester, Leicestershire, England.