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Testimonies of Healing

The Science of correct thinking...

From the May 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Science of correct thinking was brought to my attention five years ago by the healing of a neighbor of tuberculosis. A copy of The Christian Science Journal and two copies of the Christian Science Sentinel were handed me upon inquiry; and although deeply embittered against what I thought religion was, I was curious to know the foundation of a religion that could accomplish such a cure. While reading the literature I was startled to see the logic and deep truth in it; and I knew when I read the verse from the Bible, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you," that I had found the key to the puzzles in life. I saw that I had been seeking the effect, or happiness, without first seeking its cause, and that with understanding and obedience the things added meant health, as well as other necessary things of life. I had drunk deeply of physical suffering, with what was even worse—a deep dissatisfaction with life. I had suffered for years from stomach and heart trouble, catarrh and eczema. I had tried the best doctors and medicine, and had endeavored to apply every health law I read or heard of, without relief. For weeks at a time I was compelled to remain at home from my work. Before I had seen a practitioner or read the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, I made my first demonstration over a great mountain of fear; but it was with much fear and trembling that I left off the medicine I had been taking twice a day for two years. The physical discord never returned. I am grateful for the help from the practitioner. The light, however, had dawned with the first demonstration, and will continue to shine unto the perfect day. After reading the textbook I felt and knew that the shades of mortal thinking had been suddenly thrown up, and I stood in the sunlight of God's dear love. Life, which had been filled with trouble and darkness, became new and glorious with a great purpose and cause.

Through more understanding I have lost the unworthy motive to work for mere exemption from physical suffering, and have gained the worthier one to live and work to bring more joy and light into the world. To those who are taking their first faltering footsteps in Christian Science, I should like to say that there is no cloud of mortal sense so heavy that the light of correct thinking cannot dissolve it. However far from the straight path we have wandered, the desire to return always reveals the outstretched arm of Love. I am grateful for each trial that has made me a little wiser, a little stronger, and has given me a firmer grasp on Truth. We should not fear life's lessons: they are beautiful and grand, and when rightly understood reveal wondrous views of Truth; and no experience should be counted too severe if it brings us closer to God. The light which Christian Science throws on the false belief called death has enabled me to stand steadfastly in Truth, even when loved ones passed from mortal sight. We need no more doubt the right effect of correct thinking in our daily lives than we need to doubt it in working out a problem in arithmetic. Many times a day my heart returns thanks for the health which is mine through the study and practice of Christian Science; but sweeter still is the song of gratitude for the spiritual understanding which overcomes wrong thinking and brings such deep-toned peace and rest. My great desire is to gain more wisdom and love, learning to draw from the great heart of Love, that thereby the fallen may be lifted and the weak strengthened. I am grateful that, through Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy, God has shown His people the way of peace and life.—

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