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From the March 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE entire world is perhaps more interested to-day than ever before in the subject of service. Men are beginning to wake up to the fact that there is nothing to be gained through mere selfishness. They are slowly but surely discovering that a self-centered life is a most miserable one; that to live solely for one's self is to limit one's vision of good in every direction, and to be subject to the most absolute bondage. Because of this awakening there is more and more earnest inquiry as to the way in which one may live for the benefit of others.

In connection with the thought of service, a prominent English statesman when quoting the words of Browning, "All service ranks the same with God," remarked, "It makes very little difference whether a man is driving a tramcar or sweeping streets or being Prime Minister, if he only brings to that service everything that is in him and performs it for the sake of mankind." And all the world is surely coming to see that unselfish labor for mankind is the means whereby men shall be won to the understanding that all that can satisfy is to be found in the reflection of divine Love itself.

When the prophet of long ago called upon the people to "cease to do evil; learn to do well," he foreshadowed that unselfishness which was to be so fully exemplified in Jesus' demonstration of his own statement, "I am among you as he that serveth." Christian Science awakens men to know that all selfishness is stultifying and paralyzing in its every tendency. It is the evil from which we must cease, if we would indeed "learn to do well." While most men admit that selfishness in others is to be deplored, and are ready to proclaim it as revolting and reprehensible, they are not so willing to let the light of Truth uncover in their own thinking its hidden evil tendencies.

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