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Testimonies of Healing

[Original testimony in German]

Christian Science, which shows...

From the March 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science, which shows us most clearly that the real man is of divine origin, has enabled me to work my way step by step out of false conditions. As a child I was somnambulistic. I would arise in my dreams and stray about the house, and was sometimes in danger because of acting in this unconscious state. The condition developed into a head trouble with which I was constantly afflicted. If I read or studied much, the pain in my head became torture, from which I could not escape. As I was always eager to read, especially works on material science, my thoughts were directed to human knowledge, which made my suffering worse. Medical remedies which I applied were all in vain. Thus I learned even at that time that suffering is mental. My suffering increased so that I was hardly able to bear it.

When I was thirty-five years old. Christian Science came into my life. Eagerly I investigated it. and quickly recognized that it is the truth. I studied it earnestly and acquired strength, which enabled me to resist my suffering. I felt very happy and joyous. A thorough change began to take place, and soon a hallowing and healing impulse placed me on a better basis of thought and action. Untiringly I worked and studied the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and made continual progress. My condition improved. At first I was free from pain only for a few moments. This freedom increased when I read the Bible and textbook and pondered over what I had read. At last the pain disappeared altogether. My healing proved that spiritual sense had overcome material belief. Thus I was led to the understanding of Truth.

It took about three years for me to be able to distinguish between mortal mind and divine Mind, and over twelve years to grasp the nothingness of matter and error. At this stage of development I understood my real being to be the reflection of the one active, divine Principle. The divine import of the Bible and the Christian Science textbook is now revealed to me.

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