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From the March 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHOEVER truly understands Christian Science comes to know it as a revelation of absolute Truth. Mary Baker Eddy has not given the world her religious opinion: she has discovered for it the provable spiritual facts of existence. Revelation of Truth to mankind must come supersensibly, from a source higher than the material senses and outside of material evidence. We know good not from material sight, hearing, or touch, but from spiritual insight, from inward grace, through intuitions and convictions which directly contradict the material senses. Spiritual awareness informs the spiritually minded of divine facts unknown to the materially-minded. All revelation comes from beyond the range of material belief, and is the exact opposite in kind and quality of all that material sense believes to be life and experience.

So came revelation to Mary Baker Eddy. Her mentality, prepared by birth and upbringing for spiritual research, released through suffering from material dependence, cleared by untold self-renunciations, and lighted by pure prayer, became a crystal-clear transparency for the informing divine light and logic of the absolute truth of being. The marvel of complete revelation, the comprehension of divine existence as it is now and will be forever, rewarded Mrs. Eddy's devoted search for the things of God.

Confirming the onward-looking vision of the Hebrew prophets, interpreting the teachings of Christ Jesus, his works and the works of his disciples, Christian Science completes the chain of revelation which has come down the ages. What more can be revealed than that God is All, and that any supposition of an opposite to God is a false claim, to be silenced by the increasing demonstration of His allness? There will be generations of demonstration of this great fact before salvation is universal. There will be continuous unfoldment of demonstration—yes; but all will be within the statement of revelation as now recorded in the Holy Scriptures and in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. All that follows Mrs. Eddy's writings by way of statement can be only repetition of what she has written, or deductions therefrom, and must lie within the borders of the original statement; and all that follows by way of demonstration will be proof of the truth as she has uttered it.

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