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From the June 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THERE is not a loyal worker in the Master's vineyard who has not striven to be worthy of the commendation, "Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things." What is it to be faithful, and what are the "few things" of which Jesus spoke?

In the parable of the talents these words were spoken to the faithful servants who had put to good use the riches intrusted to their care. While their master journeyed into a far country, the servant with the five talents and the one with the two talents increased their treasures.

Christian Science points out that to be faithful we must be firm in our allegiance to God, divine Principle: we must be loyal to the spirit of the teachings of our beloved Leader. Mary Baker Eddy, and loving, honest, and sincere in all our dealings with mankind. Being faithful over the "few things" is the process by which we evangelize self and by degrees overcome the beliefs of life in matter, thus proving their nothingness. Faithfulness is doing the little task and doing it well, always putting into practice the rule of loving obedience to God, and watching, praying, and working right on until good is achieved. "Never absent from your post, never off guard," writes Mrs. Eddy in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 116), "never ill-humored, never unready to work for God,—is obedience; being 'faithful over a few things.' "

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