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From the June 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"YE are my witnesses, saith the Lord." God has chosen for His witnesses all who know and trust His power. To what do we bear witness? To God, good, alone; for God, good, is the only reality. If we try to bear witness to anything else as reality, we are false to God.

In the fifth chapter of John, Jesus tells us some important facts about witness bearing. He says, "If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true." He speaks of John the Baptist's bearing witness to the truth, but says, "I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me." Later he says, "Ye have not his word abiding in you;" and, as John writes in the first chapter of his Gospel, "the Word was God." Is it not because God's Word abides not fully enough in us that we are unable to do the works that witness to God? We get glimpses of God, get a little understanding of the Word that does wonders for us; but the Word of Truth abiding in us, not intermittently but continuously, what will it not accomplish? What faithful witnessing would be the result? What humility and love would be expressed?

When we really begin to know God, we begin to know that He is all there is to know. We begin to understand not only that God is Love, but that Love is God. The least unselfish act of love in our lives is God made manifest through us, God expressed through His idea, man. As we consciously reflect God He will be expressed in us in beauty and harmony of living, resulting in health and happiness. We shall then be witnessing to God, good; and the plan of God's purpose will thus be unfolded. We shall begin to understand something of what it means to reflect the perfection of God, even as the still water of a pool reflects the beauty of the glowing sunset and the loveliness of the surrounding trees, so that we almost catch our breath in pure delight.

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