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From the June 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE entire universe, including man, is under the control of God, divine Mind, who always governs harmoniously. This, however, seems to the so-called material senses to be very far from the facts, for these senses would argue continually that there is a power opposed to God, an evil power that expresses itself in sin, disease, and death, and that is capable of causing perpetual discord. This evil power will seem to be real, just so long as the testimony of the material senses is accepted and believed to be true; and it can be proved to be false and therefore unreal, and superseded, only as men progress in an understanding of the truth. And an understanding of the healing truth is possible now for all, through a study of the Christian Science textbooks.

Earnest students of Christian Science are proving evil to be, as Jesus said of the devil, "a liar, and the father of it." Evil is thus being deprived of its imaginary power. Its so-called laws, which claim to govern men and affairs discordantly, are being proved not to be laws at all, even though until the advent of Christian Science—the voice of Truth to this age—it seemed impossible to escape from them. Evil, or error, can only claim to exercise dominion; and one can appear to be under its despotic control only so long as he believes it to be real and that it has power. It is in just this way that one can seem to be deprived of his God-given dominion over evil —over the material senses—and kept from realizing the great truth that God, good,—not evil,—controls man; that God, divine Mind, is lovingly governing all from the least idea to the greatest.

In the forty-fifth chapter of Isaiah it is written, "I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded." Mrs. Eddy, our dear Leader, must have clearly understood these words of the prophet when she wrote on page 295 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures": "God creates and governs the universe, including man. The universe is filled with spiritual ideas, which He evolves, and they are obedient to the Mind that makes them." This, then, is an eternal fact of existence: man, the spiritual idea of divine Mind, is directly under the control of divine Mind, is the manifestation of divine Mind. Therefore man cannot be separated from or deprived of the loving control of divine Mind.

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