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[Written for the Journal]


From the June 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wake, dear Lord, at morning's dawn—
The smile of this, Thy day—
To find the night, though dark and long,
Is passing fast away.

I listen, Lord; Thy voice I hear
In message sweet, to me.
It bids, Be faithful, have no fear,
Thou shalt my glory see!

I wait, dear Lord. Thy hand I feel
Clasped strong and firm round mine.
Gone is the doubt that fain would steal
My heritage divine!

Here am I, Lord. What joy to be
Thy humble servant, meek!
Thou knowest where Thou needest me;
Thy will alone I seek.

I'll follow, Father. Lead Thou on—
The path not mine to choose.
Thou art my strength, my shield, my sun,
False sense in Thee I lose.

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