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Testimonies of Healing

Because I have been wonderfully...

From the August 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Because I have been wonderfully blessed through the teaching of Christian Science, I wish to show my gratitude by sending a testimony to the Field. I did not come into Christian Science through physical healing, but as the result of my father's healing of paralysis after he had been given up by doctors as incurable. Since then I have witnessed many healings in our family. Our daughter, now sixteen years of age, has never tasted medicine. When any ill has presented itself, it has always yielded to Christian Science treatment. I have found Christian Science a great help in dentistry. We were protected several times during severe storms, and have been comforted and uplifted during trials when loved ones passed away.

I am sincerely grateful to our Father-Mother God for the Way-shower, Christ Jesus, and for Mrs. Eddy, who has made the way plain for us again. I am also grateful for class instruction by one of our Leader's loyal students, for membership in The Mother Church and a branch church, and for the Christian Science literature.—

I take pleasure in corroborating my wife's testimony. I have had physical healing and have been healed of the smoking habit, for which I am very thankful.—

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