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From the August 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHILE it has been affirmed again and again that the spiritually-minded should also be the joyfully-minded,—and undoubtedly many have proved and are proving this at times,—there appears to remain almost unrecognized in dark corners of the human heart a strain of resistance to the manifestation of joy and happiness gained through spiritual understanding.

Christian Science teaches that all good comes from God, that God is Mind and Love, and that man is the full and perfect expression of Mind; and this satisfying and true sense of God, coming to our age, has lifted thousands out of despair and disease into happiness, health, and security. Therefore, of all people in the world, those to whom the Comforter has come in the teachings of Mrs. Eddy, should be among the happiest!

The peace and happiness expressed by Christian Scientists are a means of encouragement to many needing healing and help, drawing them to learn something of the source of these blessings. Anyone questioning this has only to go to a Wednesday evening testimony meeting at a Christian Science church to learn for himself what a large number of grateful and joyous Christian Scientists there are. Those, therefore, who have advanced to the privilege of being recognized as practitioners of Christian Science, and who are taking an active part in church work, should watch most prayerfully that they lose not any of their joy and happiness.

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