'Twas not his overturning of tables,
Nor the scourge!
In all my grasping, clutching greed of years,
Think ye I never met the eye of wrath,
Or dodged a challenge to my heaped-up gain?
But, oh, the look—
Something within that look!
It flashed all plain;
The scourge he used to beat away the brute,
Was not the thing he held there in his hand,
Leaving me all untouched, all safe!
They say 'twas tables that he overturned—
I know
Something was overturned within myself;
I first saw Truth, saw Love—
Love that can scourge to bless—
And all my wealth, I knew, was in that Love;
The only temple was the new, new life
He opened up to me in that one look.