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From the August 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

AN inventor creates nothing; he only utilizes natural laws, so called, which have ever been at hand, but not previously understood. Human unfoldment and progress are thus dependent upon the recognition and application of such laws.

Men have been slow to perceive the real man's relationship to God. Nevertheless, they have vaguely glimpsed an unknown power outside themselves and found solace in turning to it. They have prayed to the sun, to the moon, to gods of wood and stone, to a supposititious superhuman deity of love and hate,—a concept which is overthrown by the First Commandment,—and to the "unknown God" of the Athenians, whom Paul declared unto them.

As thought progresses, men find true satisfaction in the degree that they comprehend God as Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love. In order to pray aright, one must understand God and man's true relationship to Him. As the understanding of God and His creation unfolds, one is able to distinguish between what is true and what is only false belief. He then begins to pray aright, and righteous prayer results in continued growth.

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