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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science came to me...

From the August 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science came to me over two years ago. I had never heard of it before, but thought I would study it. And I did so earnestly, hoping I could get help from just reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, as so many had done. My first healing was that of my eye. I had lost my right eye, and my left had troubled me a great deal and I was not able to see very well. A specialist advised me to allow myself to be operated upon to save the sight, but the operation was not successful, and I was not able to see so well. I had to wear glasses, and if I wanted to read I always used a magnifying glass; but it was very hard for me. The doctor who operated called the trouble glaucoma. The first day I read Science and Health I felt very tired and said, "I cannot read any more;" but the next day I started reading again and found I was able to read all day without glasses. I stopped using the magnifying glass, and am now able to read in the evening, which I had not done for twenty years.

I am very grateful to all who have helped me and opened the channel for me to this wonderful truth that our Leader has given us. I am grateful to God for this healing and many others.—

I wish to verify my mother's testimony. She is eighty-five years of age and has made her home with us for twelve years. I saw this healing take place, and also many others since, from reading the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I have had many healings, and I thank God every day for these and for the peace and harmony that have come to our home through the study of the textbook, which has helped me to understand the Bible.— 

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