Christian Science was first brought to us over thirteen years ago by a dear friend who had been healed of gallstones, and it is daily meeting our needs in sickness and in health, as we rely wholly upon it. It has been our only physician since 1916 in a family of eight. There have been many healings among the children, of whooping cough, which was overcome in a very short time, measles, mumps, fever, pneumonia, chills, enlarged knee joint; and hemorrhage was stopped almost instantly when death seemed very near. I have been healed of lung trouble—tuberculosis and pneumonia. A fear of storms has been overcome to a great extent. And I have witnessed many healings in Christian Science, some of so-called incurable diseases.
I am very grateful for the many healings we have had, but more grateful for the understanding gained through the daily study of the Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lessons. I am grateful for the privilege of being a member of The Mother Church. I feel that I can prove my gratitude only through striving to live in accordance with the teachings of Christian Science.—Sikeston, Missouri.