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Testimonies of Healing

I am indeed grateful for Christian Science...

From the August 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am indeed grateful for Christian Science, for the loving help of a faithful practitioner, for the privilege of working in the Sunday school, and for the church services and the authorized Christian Science literature. To one who was brought up to fear that at any moment one was liable to an attack of disease, the understanding, at least in part, of Christian Science certainly means much.

One outstanding healing occurred when I had been in Science but a short time. Our daughter awakened us one night with croup. We immediately called a Christian Science practitioner, and in fifteen minutes the child was easy and slept until morning. Many other healings have taken place in our family, some instantaneously, others taking more work to clear our thought.

While away in school our eldest daughter was exposed to scarlet fever, caring for her roommate and doing all she could for her till the school nurse came and rushed the girl off to the hospital. She then told my daughter that she would either have to submit to the serum inoculation or be isolated for ten days. She came home and stayed the required time, returning to school at the end of the ten days filled with gratitude for the protection which God always gives us when we trust Him fully.

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