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Testimonies of Healing

I did not become interested in...

From the August 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I did not become interested in Christian Science for the purpose of obtaining help either physically or otherwise, as at that time I was enjoying the health which is common to healthy persons. If colds and grippe were prevalent I had them as a matter of course, and accepted them without knowing or understanding that they were not a part of real existence. In August, 1920, I was given "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and through the study of this book alone I was healed of chronic constipation, which I had had for at least twenty-five years. This healing came in 1921 after I had read this book three times, and the trouble has never returned.

From 1921 to 1926, without the help of any practitioner, I was healed of many minor ills, such as colds and neuralgia. Up to 1926 I had been very reluctant in allowing a practitioner to help me, and not until the summer of that year did I finally consent, and this was while I was suffering agony. My healing came within ten minutes. Another similar attack was silenced within fifteen minutes of the time help was requested, and the trouble has never returned. In 1927 I was completely healed of the smoking habit, which I had had about thirty years. This gradually gave way to divine understanding, and without the use of willpower. Since the above healing I have been healed within a few minutes of the effects usually following a hornet's sting. There was neither pain nor any swelling after the first few minutes. Nosebleed has been immediately stopped by declaring the truth. During the winter of 19281929 I was protected from influenza, which was prevalent. Since 1921 Christian Science has been my only help and protection from all ills.

For all of these proofs of divine protection I am indeed grateful; but my greatest blessing has been class instruction, because through it the veil which had before clouded my understanding of the Bible with its divine promises to the children of God was removed. I now see more clearly the eternality of divine Principle. I more fully realize my divine right as the child of God, coexistent with Him and the universe. Mrs. Eddy's words in "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" (p. 160), "To live so as to keep human consciousness in constant relation with the divine, the spiritual, and the eternal, is to individualize infinite power; and this is Christian Science," have now a definite meaning to me.

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