I was led to Christian Science in January, 1926, while I was a patient in a hospital. A friend asked me if I desired treatment and invited me to the Wednesday evening testimony meetings. I accepted her offer, although Christian Science was unknown to me. I then took up the study of it and left the hospital the following March.
After "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy was given to me, I realized how ignorantly I had worshiped God. On pages 471 and 472 of this textbook Mrs. Eddy writes, "This Science teaches man that God is the only Life, and that this Life is Truth and Love; that God is to be understood, adored, and demonstrated; that divine Truth casts out suppositional error and heals the sick." I am very grateful for this understanding of God, and that Christian Science is the promised Comforter. Through this understanding a threatened sickness was averted.
Upon reading the testimonies in the Christian Science textbook regarding the healing of sight, I immediately put away my spectacles and have never worn them since. Since then I have had many proofs of the efficacy of Christian Science to heal discord. For these healings, and especially for the peace and happiness Christian Science has brought into my life, I am most grateful. I am also grateful to the practitioner who kindly guided me.—Baltimore, Maryland.