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Testimonies of Healing

A healing that has often awakened...

From the December 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A healing that has often awakened gratitude in me occurred a few months after my earnest study of Christian Science began. Having worked through the greater part of the summer, and thinking a rest from the office and noisy city was needed, I decided, upon the suggestion of the family, to visit a cotton plantaion located several miles outside a small town.

The thought had often presented itself, What would happen if I should be in a far-off place where no help could be called? Would the faith gained in the few months of teaching received in the Christian Science Sunday School be sufficient to carry me through? The opportunity came on the third night of this visit to prove whether or not it would.

In the middle of the night I was awakened with a trembling and fearful sense of some unnamed disease. Trying to arise without disturbing the other occupants of the house, I failed to do so, but assured the one who had awakened that all would be well in a little while. I opened to page 410 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Starting with the paragraph just under the heading, "Mental Treatment Illustrated," I scanned the words until I came to "Christian scientific practice begins with Christ's keynote of harmony, 'Be not afraid!'" There my eyes rested. The words became so illumined and outstanding it seemed as if they had been written just for that particular time. The next sentence reads, "Said Job: 'The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me.'" A greater proof could not have been given that God is everywhere at all times: no human being could have helped me or accomplished what took place in the few minutes that followed. The healing was not instantaneous, but the light gradually dawned upon my consciousness; and in a few days I was well.

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