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From the October 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

So long I waited for the answer, Lord;
So long I labored, weary, spent, and worn;
So long I strove, and striving, pushed away
The precious, priceless things bestowed by Thee
On Thy reflection, man.
Peace, joy, and power lay close at hand —
Yet these I did not see till one sweet day;
Because I truly yearned the answer came,
And truth revealed my life assured and free,
Apart from circumstance of loss or gain.
No vast material wealth or friend or fame,
No loss of human love or treasured things
Can lessen or increase my real supply;
Within Thy perfect care my every need
Is met with plenty and security.
I see each earthly joy or pain
As shadow, thrown upon the flimsy screen
Of mortal life by mortal mind,
And free my thought from bondage.
I seek the sure reality
That these same shadows mock
And find my perfect Father-Mother God.
I see His love expressed in perfect man,
And know no other power exists to harm or heal.
There lies my answer—"peace and joy and power"!* The peace of knowing good alone is real,
The joy of living as the Father's child,
The power of utilizing constant love!

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