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From the October 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The government is on His shoulders,
He alone divides the sea.
His the voice that says, "Go forward"
In the path of liberty.
He will lead you by still waters,
Give you manna day by day,
Cleanse you from all imperfection,
Wipe your needless tears away.

When the hearts of men are failing
As the waves of fear rise high,
Then the voice of Truth, prevailing,
Whispers softly: Here am I.
He will gather all who trust Him
Underneath His shelt'ring wings;
Lift the heaviness of matter,
Till the heart in gladness sings.

Evermore His voice is calling:
All the earth look unto Me.
Seek ye first His heavenly kingdom,
Know the truth that makes you free.
Then all needful things will follow,
As the summer follows spring.
Every day a bounteous sowing
Yields abundant harvesting.

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