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From the October 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN these tumultuous days when we read our daily newspapers and seem to see under our eyes the literal fulfillment of the tremendous prophecies contained in the twenty-first chapter of Luke and in the book of Revelation, when "men's hearts" are "failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth," it behooves the student of Christian Science to look persistently and closely into his thought, and to ask himself where he stands with regard to all these things. How, for instance, can he most effectively use his understanding of Christian Science to meet these tremendous happenings, to help his neighbor, his nation, and the world at large? It is a testing time for the individual; and much wisdom, as well as patience and courage, is required to keep heart and effort in the right way.

The Christian Scientist's thoughts turn naturally to the Bible for spiritual guidance. There he finds many illuminating incidents showing how history appears to be repeating itself. The so-called material cause and effect which operated in ancient days apparently operates equally today, though its operation be spread over a longer period of development. The mental conditions which brought about dissolution in olden days still claim to be active in the carnal mind, and their designs need to be recognized and overcome.

The overthrowing of Sodom is a case in point. Abraham, from the height of his spiritual vision, foresaw what must be the end of the vice and greed, the dishonesty and materiality, which had mesmerized the people of Sodom. And he tried, but apparently in vain, to find ten "righteous" thinkers who would cooperate in stemming the tide of wickedness which was sweeping away that great city. Lot and his daughters were saved, but not Lot's wife, who looked back and was lost.

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