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From the October 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WE read that when Joshua, the leader of the children of Israel, "was by Jericho," he beheld a man "with his sword drawn in his hand." Inquiring as to his purpose, Joshua learned that he was the "captain of the host of the Lord." This angel or spiritual thought was armed with "the idea of Truth; justice," as Mary Baker Eddy defines "sword" in part in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 595). The angel commanded Joshua to remove his shoes, saying, "The place whereon thou standest is holy."

One who approaches membership in the Christian Science organization with a spiritual comprehension of the step he is taking does so with a spirit of reverence which may be comparable to Joshua's state of thought. He knows that he is entering a phase of human experience which will lead him into fields of usefulness. If thoroughly alert to the import of the step he is taking, he realizes that he is following in the footsteps of his Leader; for whoever perceives the spiritual nature of her discovery has in a degree shared in her revelation of spiritual substance. He who comprehends the profound purpose of her church gladly assumes his share in the task of bringing her cherished hopes for it to fruition.

In founding the Christian Science church, our Leader provided opportunities for useful service in intelligently organized efforts to carry to all humanity the teaching of Christian Science in its original purity. Students of Christian Science who are ready for the step can take advantage of these opportunities as they are received into membership in branch churches already established, or, in due course, by organizing Christian Science churches or societies where there is a need.

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