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From the October 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IT is well known that in the work of the engineer and the architect what is regarded as a standard quality of materials used is essential. Without this quality successful building construction is impossible. In the far greater work of spiritual building, how indispensable is a high standard of purity of thought! Our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 241), "The corner-stone of all spiritual building is purity". Since a corner stone, figuratively, represents the character of both foundation and superstructure, purity must permeate all spiritual building.

Considered in this higher sense, purity is seen to be an attribute of Spirit, God. Man in God's image does not possess this attribute independently of God, but he expresses or reflects it. Because God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, all His ideas are indestructible. Surely, then, in this spiritual building one ought to be on guard to see that he admits into his consciousness only pure thoughts emanating from God, divine Mind.

How can one learn to differentiate between the pure and the impure, the spiritual and the material? By cultivating spiritual understanding, which is "the line of demarcation between the real and unreal" (Science and Health, p. 505). Infinite Love bestows understanding upon all His children in unlimited measure! Great is the reward of being an alert sentinel, challenging wrong thoughts! In the degree that God's thoughts, true ideas, are entertained, is one's consciousness purified. These thoughts not only establish themselves in consciousness but eliminate all ungodly thoughts and influences. How grateful one is for this great blessing of being purified!

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