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Testimonies of Healing

[Original testimony in German]

I wish to express my gratitude...

From the November 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my gratitude for all the good I have received through Christian Science. In many cases I have gained help and comfort through the application of these wonderful teachings.

Once, when a crisis came in my affairs and I did not know which way to take, I turned wholly to God, divine Mind, well knowing that He would show me the right way. With our Leader's hymn beginning "Shepherd, show me how to go"(Miscellaneous Writings, pp. 397, 398; Poems, p. 14) in thought, I lay down that night to rest, and when I awoke next morning I saw clearly what I should do; and results have proved that this decision was right and satisfactory.

My relatives and I have also experienced many physical healings. Three years ago I was healed of a violent attack of pneumonia through Christian Science help alone. In this way also I was healed of colds and digestive troubles. My husband, too, has been healed repeatedly of greater and lesser difficulties through Christian Science. It has also been his privilege to experience the proof of this teaching in his stable, for during a time of hoof and mouth disease his cattle were wonderfully protected in the midst of the region affected by the epidemic. Later on a young animal which, according to the verdict of the veterinary had to be disposed of, was healed in two days through the help of a Christian Science practitioner.

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