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From the November 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE one to whom Christian Science was revealed, Mary Baker Eddy, states in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 365) that "its genius is right thinking and right acting, physical and moral harmony." Right thinking is the thinking of good, eternal thoughts, God's thoughts; and the employment of one's time in cultivating the habit of right or spiritual thinking is necessary if one is to prove the genius of Christian Science.

"The prince of this world" would, if possible, find a place for himself in the mentality of all people, would deceive them into reluctance to start thinking spiritually, and beguile them into slipping along in the apathy of self-ease and self-love. However, the effort to think spiritually at all times and under all circumstances should be persisted in. It may at first seem easier to think materially than spiritually, for training along the material lines of scholasticism, sophistry, and creeds makes it appear difficult for one to believe that in the midst of the materiality that seemingly abounds spiritual thinking can bring definite and immediate results. It would seem too idealistic; yet Christian Science teaches that this idealism is practical, and also teaches us how to hold to it effectually.

The results of thoughts of fear, anger, or worry are quickly apparent. Why not expect even more instant results from thoughts of love, faith, gratitude, and trust in good? If dishonesty, greed, and disregard for law seem to bring material though temporary advantage to those who entertain them, should not the true thinker expect far more —yea, even spiritual and permanent results—from letting the "mind of Christ" be in him? The claim that evil thinking has power must be denied. Christian Scientists aspire to prove in constant practice the immediateness of the power of consistent spiritual thinking; and they accomplish their purpose in proportion to their strict and consistent adherence to the standard of infinite intelligence, and their endeavor to abide in the divine consciousness. Their mental true witnessing on the side of Spirit leads to "physical and moral harmony."

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