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From the November 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE application of Christian Science to the solution of human problems can be successful only as we realize that we live in a world of consciousness, a mental realm, and that every problem is essentially mental. In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 468) Mrs. Eddy writes, "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all." On this fact of true being rests Christian Science healing. Infinite divine Mind constitutes all true consciousness, intelligence, understanding. Since Mind is the source of all that really exists, it can be conscious only of its own creation. Therefore divine consciousness embraces all the ideas of Mind, and these ideas are perfect, spiritual, real, unchanging, eternal. Mind knows nothing but the good and perfect. It does not know error.

Man, being the complete idea of God, reflects the perfect Mind in the full consciousness of being. Man, the likeness of God, neither knows nor is conscious of evil, of anything unlike perfect creation. Man ever exists in the consciousness of perfection. His home eternally is heaven. He is forever showing forth the power, presence, and perfection of God. This man of God's creation is the only man, and his consciousness, intelligence, and understanding are reflections of God. As God's idea, man cannot know or be conscious of any form or phase of evil or error.

How, then, shall we explain mortal experience, with all its arguments of evil, and the fact that we seem to be conscious of them? The consciousness of evil is a false consciousness; it is not the product of divine Mind. It is one with evil, and is therefore a lie. Both evil and the consciousness of it exist only in the realm of mortal belief, not in God's universe of Truth. To get into its proper perspective in our thought the fact that evil is unreal is essential to our understanding and demonstration of Christian Science. And first of all we must see that all which seems to exist outside of perfection is scientifically impossible, for God made all, and maintains all perfect. Mortal existence is not the truth of being; it is a dream. It is a false sense of life, truth, and intelligence in matter. Human experience is a kaleidoscope of false beliefs. Mrs. Eddy says (Science and Health, p. 297), "Until belief becomes faith, and faith becomes spiritual understanding, human thought has little relation to the actual or divine." So we are warranted in considering every error that besets our path as a mortal belief, which has no sub stance or reality, no place in real consciousness.

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