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From the November 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ACCORDING to the Bible, spirituality is supremely desirable, and its quest should be the genuine business of everyone. Theoretically, this statement wins general acceptance with religious thinkers. But the persisting need for food, clothing, and shelter, to say nothing of additional wants and luxuries, so cumbers human thought that men seem preoccupied in material efforts either to produce something or to get it, to buy or to sell. Thus an acquisitive sense is fostered, a striving for the possession of things; and faith in them begets either a fancied security or utter despair.

Let the seeker for a higher faith, for "the kingdom of God, and his righteousness," come gratefully to Christian Science and learn that business is essentially spiritual activity under God's government of the universe, including man. However urgent the human need, loving obedience to divine Principle is required of one in accepting gladly this point of view and giving it active expression. This right employment of thought invokes a degree of courage, intelligence, and resourcefulness equal to surmounting every fear previously externalized as supposedly unconquerable difficulties, whether financial, industrial, or economic. When Christian Science develops faith in and love for the imperishable values of Spirit, the purely material aspects of business—money getting and spending—yield to nobler life-motives, just as efforts to secure physical health become secondary to a desire for spirituality, which necessarily includes health. Thus ordinary business success and bodily health appear normally as being among those things which "shall be added unto you."

The world is indebted to Mary Baker Eddy for the discovery of the Principle and rule which demonstrates the Science of Scriptural teaching. Her vision entitled her to state unequivocally in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 406), "The Bible contains the recipe for all healing." The Bible contains the solution for every problem, including the business problem. This recipe makes possible the unfoldment of the divine idea in human consciousness. The remedy is proved in the trials and also in the triumphs of men.

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