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From the November 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

SOME years ago a symposium of opinions from one hundred leading business men on the subject of prayer appeared in an issue of a current magazine. Most of the writers indicated that they were depending upon prayer to aid them in their various responsibilities and activities. Their prayers must have been based upon faith in a power and intelligence beyond that of the human sense of mind, from which power and intelligence they expected to receive direction and help.

Not only did prophet and apostle prove the practicality and power of prayer, but many great characters in history have admittedly fulfilled their responsibilities through depending upon the enlightenment they received in the chamber of prayer. The power of God, sought in the prayers of Washington and Lincoln, prayers through which they derived divine guidance and strength, saved the American nation in times of great crises. In these days, then, when the material systems and modes of the so-called human mind are proving inadequate, it is imperative that men should understand how to avail themselves of the great resources of spiritual intelligence and power made accessible through prayer. It was through divine guidance gained in prayer that the Christian Science movement was established; and Mrs. Eddy, its Founder, states in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 10), "The world must grow to the spiritual understanding of prayer."

Generally speaking, little has been understood of all that prayer involves. A great deal that needs to be learned about prayer can be learned only in prayer itself. Much that is little more than superstition has been designated as prayer. Christian Science, however, clearly unfolds the deeper meanings of prayer. Through this teaching prayer becomes a vital, practical, and demonstrable factor in the lives of its followers. The first chapter of the Christian Science textbook is devoted to this subject. Broadly considered, any effort of humanity to turn Godward might be regarded as prayer. Thus the ascending steps of prayer include petition, and all the degrees of spiritual growth and development, up to the enlightened understanding where God is clearly heard in the consciousness of men. For instance, many prayers are but petitions based on a belief in and reverence for an unknown Deity. There is the better prayer of active, purposeful desire for the unfolding of good in truly right ways. Then, there is the prayer of argument and declaration, as explained in Christian Science, which includes the affirmation of the truth and the denial of error, this prayer being an intelligent effort to over come evil with the power of good. "The highest prayer," as we read in Science and Health (p. 16), "is not one of faith merely; it is demonstration."

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