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From the November 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE Christian Scientist understands that man reflects God, divine Mind; and he is learning to accept the truth which reveals his own limitless spiritual capacity. He is learning, too, that naught but good exists, and that evil has no reality, life, or power; for God is infinite good, and is eternally expressing His perfect qualities through man.

Christian Science lights the way to understanding and leads to success through fidelity to its teachings. It urges acceptance of the fact that if harmonious results in human affairs are to be obtained, God must be considered first in all things, at all times. He must be known as omnipresent, and His divine law of infinite harmony and wisdom as constantly in operation.

From the standpoint of Christian Science it is clear that failure in business is due primarily to the fact that little or no thought is given to the demands of God in connection with it, and because the intelligence and wisdom which are man's heritage as God's image are not consistently applied to its promotion. An understanding of God and His demonstrable law, the law of infinite harmony, furnishes a firm foundation from which to promote any legitimate undertaking. The wisdom to work honestly and successfully, with spiritually-minded keenness and discretion, is found in knowing the truth that God is all-loving, all-wise; that He is infinite intelligence, or Mind, and that the real man as His image and likeness reflects His ability and dominion over all things.

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