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[As published in the Christian Science Sentinel, September 2, 1933]

From the November 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Christian Science Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting of The Mother Church on June S made the following statement regarding the new Publishing House:

"Primarily, of course, the new building is intended to provide adequate facilities for the publishing of our religious periodicals, our daily newspaper, and the writings of our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy. But it does something more, much more in fact, than simply meet a physical need, great and pressing as that need may be. It stands, and will continue to stand through the years to come, as a silent but none the less impressive witness to that unity, stability, and demonstrated resourcefulness which should at all times characterize the organized efforts of Christian Scientists, and which in this instance have made possible the completion of the new Publishing House without delay and without debt. After July first no further contributions to this fund need be made."

This announcement was welcomed with joy and gratitude and contributions continued to come in to the Treasurer during June. But they did not stop then, for some branches of The Mother Church, students' associations, and individuals sent donations in July, and The Mother Church gladly received them. Also to churches or societies writing that they had not sent all they at first expected to contribute, it gladly responded that they were now free to care for their local needs and were under no obligation to fulfill the intended payments, but that, should they wish to continue their contributions, the money would be welcome, since the expenses of The Mother Church are particularly heavy at this time. They include the planting of the walled garden and court, the purchase of needed new machinery and furniture, the removal of the business of the Publishing Society to its new quarters, none of which were provided for in the contract price of the new building; also the obligation assumed by The Mother Church and Publishing Society, according to a letter sent the Field by The Christian Science Board of Directors, to raise in addition to the $3,000,000 contributed by the Field "any part or all of $1,000,000," which is now being supplied as the need arises.

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