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From the November 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE experience of every individual appears to be largely composed of the overcoming of ignorance and limitation, trials and temptations, disappointment and discouragement, sorrow, sin, and sickness. Therefore the subject of overcoming is worthy of careful consideration in the light of Christian Science, for by means of this spiritual illumination we learn of the Christianly scientific means and method of gaining the victory over every limiting and untoward condition which may confront us.

Prior to her discovery of Christian Science Mary Baker Eddy experienced much sickness and suffering, disappointment and discord, relief from which could not be found in medical methods or theological theories, and so she was forced to look higher for comfort and healing. Because she was spiritually ready to receive it Mrs. Eddy gained the revelation of the Science of Christianity which she later made available to the world in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." This precious volume was not issued, however, until its teachings had been verified in the overcoming of sin, as well as of sickness, in accordance with the promise of Jesus that those who believe on him—understand the Christ, Truth— shall do the works that he did. The Master healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf; he annulled so-called laws of limitation when he walked on the water and fed the hungry throng; he reversed the claim of death for others and himself; in fact, his overcoming was perfect and complete. In his teaching and practice Jesus showed the Christ-way and thus he became the Way-shower for all mankind. And Christian Science enables us to be way-goers, overcoming sin and sickness even as he did.

The inspired teachings of Science and Health acquaint us with God as the loving Father-Mother, the creator and controller of all that is real and true; as the one all-knowing Mind; as Spirit and Truth. This leads us to see that man, God's image and likeness, is spiritual, harmonious, pure, and perfect; and that man consciously reflects or expresses the qualities of his Maker. This being the truth about God and man it follows that whatever does not measure up to this standard is untrue, lacking divine authorship and authority. And naturally that which is untrue can be conquered and cancelled by the truth, even as Christ Jesus promised: "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

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